3.75 indoor dual color product name
Pixel diameter 3.75mm
Point spacing 4.75mm
The pixels of Taiwan Origin
1 +1 red light green color point
Density of 44,321 points / m2
Primary colors red, green
Unit board size 304mm × 152mm
The ranks of the number of modules wide × high 32 points 64 points
Resolution 2048 points / blocks
Operating voltage 220V
Maximum power consumption ≤ 700 W/m2
Display control chip asynchronous / synchronous control
Control asynchronous / synchronous mapping control
WINDOWS 98 operating system more than
8 × 8 dot matrix module specifications
LED driver device driver device specific
Drive 1 / 16 scan driver
Refresh rate ≥ 120 frames / sec
Frame rate ≥ 60 frames / sec
≥ 200cd/m2 brightness
Brightness adjustment mode: Software adjustment
Best angle ± 60 degrees
Best line of sight 5 ~ 40m
Within the effective communication distance 120m
Operating temperature -20 ℃ ~ +60 ℃
≤ 85% relative humidity
LED universal player software
Two-color LED display indoor Φ3.75